Huffington Post: Blame It on the Bossa Nova: Jazz Samba's 50th Birthday
Stan Getz and Charlie Byrd's album Jazz Samba, which launched the bossa nova craze in the United States, celebrated 2012 its 50th anniversary.
It was a phenomenal success after its release in April 1962 and has achieved an enduring popularity. Jazz Samba was a musical milestone......
Visit Stan Getz Store on Amazon and buy the album - .........Click here.........
DownBeat: The Expatriate Life of Stan Getz
by Jack Lind — 4/14/1960
An Online Exclusive
Words from his daughter about this article:" Interesting article in DownBeat during Stan's time in Denmark. Those few years were truly some of his best. In every way. Not only for him, but also for the family"
- Click here for the article....
Visit the new unique Stan Getz Store
A brand new Stan Getz web store is now ready for Stan Getz fans, friends and admirers
- Click here for the store....
Now available through eJazz Lines
This is quite possibly the most important string work ever composed for and recorded by a jazz musician. Eddie Sauter'sscore defies all categorization.
Similar to Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, each movement presents a unique mood ready to transport the listener to a fairytale scene. Unlike other commerical and jazz soloist with string compositions, this piece features almost no written part for the soloist. While there are guidelines and cues for the soloist (and sporadic written melodies) this piece requires the soloist to blend with the orchestra and imagine (through improvisation) the "missing" part.
STAN GETZ WINE! 2009 Vintage
- Click pic to enlarge ->
Jazz Phrasing for Beginners by Greg Fishman | Alto and Tenor Saxophone Edition |
Book and Two CD Play-Along Set
Click here to read more about the book and purchase a copy....
"STAN GETZ THROUGH THE YEARS" by Joseph Hooper - New York Times Magazine, Sunday June 9, 1991 with intro by Bev Getz
Click "Remembering Stan" on the menu and read - or go to "Remembering Stan" by clicking here....
The daily Stockholm newspaper.
Dagens Nyheter Oct 14 2008 edition, concluded that Stan Getz was partly to blame for the financial crisis now plaguing the world. The reason: After an article in the New York Times
"Taking a hard new look at a Greenspan legacy" Click here to read more....
Would you like to help?
To continue supporting Stan Getz
's legacy, we'd like to ask for your help in locating great live recordings, photos, and other media you may have, so they can be heard by everyone, and preserved. Perhaps you or one of your friends attended a Stan Getz concert and recorded it or shot photos or video of it.
If you'd like to contribute any of those things, we'll properly credit you as the contributor. (Or you can remain anonymous to the public if you prefer.)
It would be tragic if audio, video, and photos of Stan simply remained hidden in someone's closet, when all the fans would love to hear and see this material. Simply email us and we'll discuss the best way to send the media. Small files can be sent via email, and larger files can be sent on CD, for example.
Thank you for helping us to keep Stan's legacy thriving!
Bev Getz
(Click "Remembering Stan" on the menu for more stories, interviews etc.)
Visit the unique & personal STAN GETZ STORE
.............Click here.......
Stan Getz
Community is a great place if you're a Stan Getz fan, a jazz lover, jazz historian or just curious. (Click photo and you're there). Everybody is welcome. The forum is created by his daughter Beverly Getz.. You're more than welcome to join and learn some more about the Master
on Tenor Saxophone THE SOUND